
Thursday, 19 December 2019

Activity 3: Own Choice - Summer Learning Journey

Ellen Degenerous:

Ellen is an American comedian, television host, producer, actor and writer. She interviews famous and hardworking people around the globe.

Ellen supports people by donating money or giving appreciation for the peoples determination.
Her motto for every one is ( Be kind to everyone) because she wants everyone watching her show to provide them same.

Image result for ellen degeneres


1 comment:

  1. Tēnā koe i tēnei ahiahi Michelle,

    I really like who you chose for your own choice blog post! What made you chose Ellen? Do you watch her show ever? It's incredible that she donates money and supports and recognises individuals hard work!

    It is an absolute pleasure being able to read your blogs! Well done on starting your Summer Learning Journey! I am really looking forward to seeing all the posts you are going to create. Just letting you know I will be signing off today and will be coming back online on the 6th of January. Over this time I will be spending time with family and taking some time to rest and relax going into the new year. I hope both you and your loved ones have a safe and fun summer break together. Can’t wait to check out all your blog posts in January!

    Nga mihi
