
Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Activity 2: Leading by example - Summer Learning Journey

The Act Of Kindness:

I was paid 20 dollars from my parents for my hard work in school and home. I was passing through stores and stores when I came across a man who was sitting on the conceret. I felt sorry for him that he had to experience this, so I lended my 20 dollars to him. You should've seen his face, he felt warm and his smile was bright as the sun. 


  1. ...always be kind Michelle. Random acts of kindness speak volumes about you. I'm very proud of you Michelle for what you did and encouraging others to do the same!

    Keep blogging, and commenting on others, to increase your chance of winning one of the awesome prizes and to keep up your learning over the school break!

  2. Talofa lava Michelle,

    That is so unbelievably kind and selfless. Random acts of kindness are all about that moment you share when you are action it! I'm glad you saw such a positive reaction. Well deserved.

    Nga mihi
