
Friday 20 December 2019

Activity 3: Dear Jacinda Adern - Summer Learning Journey

Dear Jacinda Adern,

You have positive influence in your people and is determined to support every individual through difficult times.

I have an important task for you, many students weren't able to afford stationaries. They had to use used books from years ago. Teachers had to buy stationaries for students who weren't able to buy it. 

So my plead is, could you help these poor kids, using old pages of paper.


From: Michelle

1 comment:

  1. Tēnā koe Michelle

    You're certainly making quite the progress with this years' SLJ programme, "Changemakers: People who have changed the world" - thanks for writing a letter to our Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, and for bringing up the really important topic of poverty in schools.

    I love that you've considered something outside of yourself - and ensuring that kids have access to valuable resources such as stationary is a really selfless and wonderful request. Do you know much about what our PM is doing to help us here in Aotearoa, NZ?

