
Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Dogo News 28/3/18

Date: Wednesday 28 March 2018
Title: Philadelphia Zoo Gorilla

  1. How big is Louis
450 pound
  1. How is Louis differen’t
Because he can walk on two feet
  1. How many more gorilla can walk on their legs
  1. Is Louis married
  1. How tall is Louis

I have learnt that louis a male teenager is really different but in the same time he’s smart and can walk on the two legs.

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Maintenance 27/3/18

Date: Tuesday 27 March 2018
Title: Math, Maintenance

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Storyboard, electricity

Title: Storyboard, electricity 
Date: Friday 16 March 2018

Today at session, we were busy doing storyboard which the story about is electricity and how we learnt to don't play with the electricity and how it would be like if we didn't hadn't any electricity. 

 and there was a boy who was playing with his friends, then he climbed to the power line and was shocked. The friends was scared and shy so they called his mum and they call 111. Few weeks later he was fine but he amputated his legs and uses crutches.

Friday, 16 March 2018

Tec, 16/3/18

Date: Friday 16 March 2018
Title: Tec

At Tec we made Tuna pasta which was delicious, we followed the recipe as it was looking fabulous. 

The taste was phenomenal as it whizzed through my nose, the taste was divine like I was eating at a royal restaurant, dinner time at my house tomorrow,I think I'm going to make some juicy tuna pasta.  
Image result for tuna pasta

Thursday, 15 March 2018

Food Tec 8/3/18

Date: Thursday 8 March 2018
Title: Food Tec

At Tamaki college for tec we made some delicious meal, the ingredients were pasta, tomato paste, tomato sauce, onions and some other ingredients as we mixed it got all together and juicy.

It was a very fascinated meal we made, the smell was amazing as it captured my attention and the taste was divine as my mouth dropped open, and I wanted more next week monday.

Silhouette Art

Date: Friday 9 March 2018
Title: Silhouette Art
Technique: My technique is to help my friend Leilah with her head and hair, draw the lines correctly lined and painting the portrait black.

Colour: The colour I choose was black for the face, red, blue, yellow and green.

Success: Is to taking my time and doing it neatly.

What I need to work on: What I need to work on is to try and finish and memorise the colour paint to my art work.

Food tec 1/3/18

Date: Thursday 1 March 2018
Title: Food Tec 

At food technology we were going to make some meatball pasta, as Mrs heka lend the door during lining up stunning outside of Tamaki college.

We put away our chromebooks, washed our hands and put on a apron. Mrs heka told us to collect half of our ingredients until someone goes to collect other half. I cutted up the onions very neatly and chucked in the bowl with mashed mince. Temu and I rolled up the ingredients, and put it on the stove so he could turn brown after a while we took out ball we put it with the pasta and put it at the plate to clean up after we were done we ate it.

Food Tec 20/2/18

Date: Tuesday 20 February 2018
Title: Food Tec

Monday after lunch as room 7,6 and half of room 8 power walked to the bus because we were going to tec so we could do some fun and challenging activities.

As we got to TC we lined up while the gate opened, we walked to the place we usually lined up, again year 7 went to cooking a 2 year 8, and the year 8 going to graphics. We placed our chromebooks at the cubby holes, washed our hands and put a apron on and settled down the the kitchen steel table. Mrs heka told us to line up and tell our name, surname and year when we were done we cleaned up. Today we were cooking delicious pasta, Mrs heka asked each in our group to get the salt, mince and the cube. Temu went to get the soya sauce and the cheese Mrs heka heat up the stove we both gently stir it when it was done, we cleaned up put it i a bowl.

After that we ate it at lunch time or the at school.

Friday, 2 March 2018

My earbud artwork 2/3/18

I drew a tree with branches, and I grabbed 5 earbuds put it on the paint and dab on the paper.

The colour I choose for my picture is black, red, yellow, white and green, because I was going for a colourful picture.

I made a great effort to draw the tree and help my friend to draw it for her and made a beautiful orange to go for a autumn theme. 

What I need to work on:
I need to work on my colour skills and to make the branches thinner.

Thursday, 1 March 2018

The Key competencies help us to succeed academically

Date: Tuesday 27 February 2018
Title: How the 5 key competencies help us to succeed academically

WALT: Use 5 key competencies to help us succeed our learning.

T - Think
R - Relating to others
U - Using language , symbols and text
M - Managing self
P - Participating and contributing

How can the key competencies help us succeed our learning academically and these facts might tell you the answer.

Participating and contributing can help you because of taking part of activities and learn, also can help you build up your confident and include in more things which can help you succeed.

Thinking can help you succeed because of using your brain knowledge and use your listening ears so you can achieve your  goal by focusing at the teacher or other people.

Managing self can also help you by controlling your feelings, being calm and do the right thing by stopping stupid fights that has been acted in the field or focus to the teacher and don’t follow bad children advise.

Relating to others can help succeed your learning, relating can help you communicate with others in common because it can help you when your playing activities during outdoors trying to share the ball with each other or doing some thinking with each other indoors.